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Books Available 

Kenya National Social Protection Policy Ministry of Gender, Children and Social Development Jun-11 969
2009 Situation Analysis of Children, Young People and Women in Kenya United Nations Children’s Fund (UNICEF) November, 2010 4
5-Year Strategic Plan 2016-2020 United Disabled Persons of Kenya 2016 1
A Step by Step Implementation: 5s Textbook Jacent Properties: Productivity Center of Kenya 2008 1
Achieving Income Security in Old Age for all Tanzanians: A study into the feasibility of a universal social pension Ministry of Labour, Employment and Youth Development in collaboration with HelpAge International May, 2010 1
Annual Report 2016-2017 Council of Governors July, 2017 1
AU Policy Framework and Plan of Action on Ageing HelpAge International July, 2002 1
Catalogue KNBS Publications Kenya National Bureau of Statistics January, 2008 1
Child Poverty and Deprivation in East and Southern Africa: An analysis of selected countries Save the Children International February, 2017 1
Child Vulnerability and Social Protection in Kenya WFP Kenya   2
Code of Conduct and Ethics Public Service Commission of Kenya 2008 1
Code of Regulations   May, 2006 1
Code of Regulations Ministry of State for Public Service April, 2007 1
Consolidation Strategy for Cash Transfer Programmes Ministry of Labour, Social Security and Services February,2015 2
Corruption Prevention Policy Ministry of Gender, Children and Social Development June, 2008 1
Course Reader: Designing and Implementing Social Protection Programmes In Africa Economic Policy Research Institute 24th June -5th July 2013 1
Devolution Conference Theme: Devolution Transforming Lives Council of Governors 2017 1
Draft One: Trial Test Edition      
E-Government Strategy Office of The President March, 2004 1
Executive Report      
Facts & Figures Women’s Bureau/DANIDA Project    
FinAccess National Survey 2013 Central Bank of Kenya October, 2013 1
First Annual Progress Report Author: Deborah Kirby    
First Medium-Term Plan (2008-2012) Ministry of State for Planning, National Development and Vision 2030 2010 1
For a Cash Transfer for Orphans and Vulnerable Children Project      
For a National Safety Net Program for Results      
Forgotten Workforce: older people and their right to decent work HelpAge International 2010 1
From Physical Punishment to Positive Discipline ANPPCAN 2005 1
Functional Review of Kenya National Safety Net Program (NSNP) Cash Transfer Programs: Main report part 1 Oxford Policy Management Limited October, 2014 41
Gender Equality and Development Ministry of Gender, Sports, Culture and Social Services May, 2006 2
Gender Policy in Education Ministry of Education July, 2007 1
Handbook for Civil Service Staff Induction Office of The President March, 2006 1
Handbook on Child Rights and Child Protection for Police Officers in Kenya ANPPCAN 2006 1
Homo Sapiens to Homo ‘X’ Lawrence Nyaguti Ochieng 2015 1
HSNP Key Messages Booklet Hunger Safety Net Programme 2015 1
Integrity: A Weapon Against Corruption Ethic and Anti-Corruption Commission 2013 1
Inua Jamii Programme      
Inua Jamii: Progress Report Ministry of Labour and East African Affairs Mar-16 1
Journal MDS: Social Development Ministry of Social Development and Fight Against Hunger (Brazil) August, 2009 2
Kenya Facts and Figures Kenya National Bureau of Statistics 2014 1
Kenya Facts and Figures Kenya National Bureau of Statistics (KNBS) 2007 1
Kenya National Adult Literacy Survey Report Kenya national Bureau of Statistics March, 2007 1
Kenya Poverty and Gender Assessment 2015/16 World Bank Group 2017 1
Kenya Public Private Partnership Investment Project Proposals Ministry of State for Planning National Development and Vision 2030 14-Jan-16 1
Kenya Social Protection Sector Review   2017 1
Kenya Social Protection Sector Review Ministry of State for Planning, National Development and Vision 2030 June, 2012 6
Kenya Social Protection Sector Review Ministry of State for Planning, National Development and Vision 2030 June, 2012 1
Kenya Vision 2030 Ministry of Planning and National Development July, 2007 2
Know Your Rights United Disabled Persons of Kenya 2016 1
Land Policies in Sub-Saharan Africa The Centre for Land, Economy and Rights of Women 2006 1
Leadership and Integrity Act 2012 Ethics and Anti-Corruption Commission 2013 1
Life Skills Training Manual and Module for Educators: Gender, Sexuality and HIV/AIDS in Education UNICEF Eastern & Southern Africa Regional Office   1
Literature Review on Against Children in Kenya (Draft Report) Save the Children Nov-07 1
Management Information Systems Guidelines for Social Protection Programmes in Kenya Social Protection Secretariat May, 2012 10
Mid-Term Review of the Kenya United Nations Development Assistance Framework (UNDAF) United Nations Kenya 2016 1
Mid-term Review of the Kenya United Nations Development Assistance Framework (UNDAF) 2014-2018 United Nations   1
Mind the Gap: HIV and AIDS and older people in Africa HelpAge international 2008 1
Mix & match your own web-based working platform      
National Anti-Corruption Plan NACP Secretariat   1
National Plan of Action Ministry of East African Community, Labour and Social Protection May, 2016 2
National Policy on Malaria Diagnosis and Treatment Federal Republic of Nigeria (Federal Ministry of Health Malaria Control Programme) March, 2010 1
National Policy on Older Persons and Aging Ministry of Gender, Children and Social Development July, 2009 1
Operations Manual for Consolidated Cash Transfer Programme Ministry of East African Community, Labour and Social Protection June, 2017 1
Organisations Working in Kenya to Address HIV and AIDS in Women UNAIDS 2006 1
Participatory Research with older People: A sourcebook HelpAge International March, 2002 1
Paths to Rapid Development Ministry of Culture and Social Services September, 1983 1
Paths to Rapid Development Ministry of Culture and Social Services March, 1996 1
Pay Policy for the Public Service Office of The President January, 2006 1
Policy Guidelines on the Department of Social Services      
Profiling developments in financial access and usage in Kenya      
Program Appraisal Document World Bank 26-Jun-13 8
Programme of Cooperation 2004-2008: Mid Term Review Report UNICEF 16th November, 2006 1
Project Paper World Bank 08-Oct-13 7
Public Expenditure Review: Health, Water and Sanitation The National Treasury 2016 3
Report: The Financial Statements of National Safety Net Program Kenya National Audit Office 23rd March, 2015 1
Review of Progress Towards the World Fit for Children Goals in Kenya UNICEF March, 2007 1
Salt, Soap and Shoes for School Evaluation Summary HelpAge International 2008 1
Second Periodic Kenya Country Report on Implementation of the United Nations Convention on the Rights of the Child (UNCRC) 1998-2004 United Nations 2005 1
Sector Plan for Gender Youth and Vulnerable Groups 2013-2017 Ministry of Devolution and Planning 2013 1
Sessional Paper No. 2 of 2006      
Sessional Paper on The National Social Protection Policy Ministry of Labour, Social Security and Services March, 2014 3
Sheria ya Watoto ANPPCAN 2001 1
Single Registries and Social Registries Pathways’: Richard Chirchir & Shez Farooq November, 2016 2
Situation Analysis of Children and Women in Kenya UNICEF 2017 2
Social Development and Fight Against Hunger Ministry of Social Development and Fight Against Hunger: Federative Republic of Brazil 9
Social Protection Budget Brief Kenya Institute for Public Policy Research and Analysis April, 2019 2
Social Protection Group UNDAF 2014-2018 Jun-15 77
Social Protection Group Deborah Kirby and Claire Nevill    
Social Protection in Eastern and Southern Africa: A Framework and Strategy UNICEF April, 2008 1
Social Security Policy Briefings Paper 3 International Labour Office, Social Security Department Geneva 2008 1
Social Transfers Experience and Evidence from Southern Africa Regional Hunger and Vulnerability Programme (RHVP) April, 2008 1
StarWiki Energypedia Consult GmbH 2015 1
Strategic Plan 2013-2017 Ministry of Labour, Social Security and Services 2013 2
The Anti-Corruption and Economic Crimes Act 2003 Explained Ethics and Anti-Corruption Commission 2013 1
The Children Act, 2001 African Network for the Prevention and Protection Against Child Abuse and Neglect (ANPPCAN) 2002 1
The National Policy on Older Persons and Ageing Ministry of Gender, Children and Social Development February, 2009 1
The National Volunteerism Policy Ministry of Labour, Social Security and Services Feb-16 1
The Public Officer Ethics Act 2003 Ethics and Anti-Corruption Commission 2013 1
The strategic framework, administrative structure, training requirements and standardization framework    
The Strategy for Public Financial Management Reforms in Kenya 2013-2018 National Treasury: Public Financial Management Reform Programme June, 2016 2
The World’s Youth Data Sheet Population Reference Bureau 2006 1
Toleo Lililorahisishwa      
UNCRC Report      
UNDAF 2014-2018 UNON June, 2016 1
United Nations Development Assistance Framework for Kenya 2014-2018 United Nations, Kenya 2013 1
Unreported lives: the truth about older people’s work HelpAge International 2010 1
Vol2: Thematic briefs      
We Empower You to Make a Difference MDF Training & Consultancy Global 2016 1
Women & Men in Kenya Ministry of Home Affairs, Heritage and Sports August, 2000 1

DVDs Available 

2nd Regional Consultative Meeting on HIV and AIDS & Social Protection HelpAge International 1st-3rd November, 2011 1
50 Years of Empowering Persons with Different Abilities June 20th 2008 APDK 1
Cash Transfer Project: Saidia Jamii 2010 Ministry of Gender, Children and Development 2
e-learning course World Bank    
Evidence from Southern Africa      
Growing Old in Uganda Reach One Touch One Ministries 2008 1
Introduction to Social Safety Nets Food and Agriculture Organisation 2011 5
Kakmie Community Social Protection Cash Transfer Programme in Nyando District Jovico Video Production December, 2008 1
Key achievements 2006/2007 2008 Ministry of Gender Sports, Culture & Social Services 1
Kikulacho 2010 Transparency International-Kenya 1
Maisha Yetu: Our Lives 2006 Department for International Development in Kenya 1
Poverty Alleviation Across Generations in Rural Communities in Western Kenya European Union and Comic Relief June, 2006 1
Social Protection for Older People in Africa 2010 HelpAge International 2
Social Transfers in Practice   Regional Hunger and Vulnerability Programme (RHVP) 1
The Voice of Women Jan-10 Caucus Bulletin 1
The Voice of Women Apr-10 Caucus Bulletin 1
The Voice of Women January- March 2011 Caucus Bulletin 1
Transfer Out of Poverty   Regional Hunger and Vulnerability Programme (RHVP) 2
We Are All Kenyans looking for Social Protection Champions   Ministry of Gender, Children and Social Development 18